Homework is an integral part of success at secondary school. It is recorded and tracked at King’s Academy Easthampstead Park by teachers via Classcharts.
Parents and students download a free app to be able to easily track the homework their child has been set. Find below links to user guides for parents and students on using the Classcharts app.
If a parent or student has a question or query regarding a piece of homework that has been set, please contact their subject teacher by email in the first instance.
In addition to Classcharts, teachers at King’s Academy Easthampstead Park also make use of Google Classroom. This is an excellent way for teachers to share learning resources with students. Teachers may upload videos, slides from lessons, worksheets and homework support to aid students with their independent learning. Students access their Google Classroom by logging into the school website. There is also a free app students can download.
Discovery School (Years 7-8)
Subject | Frequency of Homework |
English | 1 piece a week – students expected to spend approximately 40 Minutes. |
Maths | 1 piece a week – students expected to spend approximately 40 Minutes. |
Humanities – Year 7 | 1 piece a week – students expected to spend approximately 40 Minutes. |
History, Geography, RS – Year 8 | 1 piece of History every 3 weeks, 1 piece of Geography every 3 weeks, 1 piece of RS every 3 weeks. (1 piece of Humanities a week) |
MFL | Vocabulary- learning 10 words (once every 2 weeks) – students expected to spend approximately 20 minutes PLUS half termly “cultural research” projects (4 pieces chosen from a task bank) |
Science | 1 piece per half term- focusing on extended writing. |
PE | Once per half term- clear deadline set by classroom teacher at the beginning of the term. To be handed in to your PE teacher during the last week of term. |
Dance | Once per half term- clear deadline set at beginning of the term.To practice for end of term assessment. |
Drama | Once per half term- clear deadline set at beginning of the term To practice for end of term assessment. |
Music | Once per half term- clear deadline set at the beginning of the term by classroom teacher. |
Art | Year 7-Termly drawing tasks already stuck into the back of sketch books. Sketchbooks will be going home for Home Learning for the first time this year. Year 8- termly research and drawing tasks to be set on google classroom by classroom teacher. |
DT | Termly research project- Food technology is set via an independent learning booklet- one task to be completed every term.Textiles- is a group project to be completed over the term. Deadline set by class teacher. |
DT 3D design | Research pieces set to support individual projects during design phase.Deadline set by teacher but will usually be needed for the following lesson. |
ICT | Once per half term. |
- Always write homework in your planner – make sure it is clear what you have to do eg. write the subject, date to be handed in and a brief description of the task.
- If you are not sure about what you have to do or you need some help go and see your subject teacher before your homework is due.
- Complete your homework as soon as you get it – then you don’t need to worry about it!
- Always complete your homework by the deadline.
- Show your planner to your parents every week and explain what homework you have.
Destiny School (Years 9-11)
As students move into the examination phase of their education, expectations around homework change.
The core subjects (English, Maths and Science) set a minimum of one homework per week, lasting between 45 – 60 minutes.
The foundation subjects, which students have selected for their options, set a minimum of one homework per fortnight, lasting between 45 – 60 minutes.
Non-examined subjects (PE, PSHE and RS) do not routinely set homework.
Additional homework may be set and there is an expectation that students will be routinely reinforcing their learning through revision and the use of GCSEPod and My Maths.
All homework in Destiny School is shared with students via Google Classroom. Students will be a member of a Google Classroom for each of their subjects. Homework will sometimes be submitted electronically via the Google Classroom ‘turn in’ process, and on other occasions be submitted by hand.
Students are also required to make a brief note of the homework they are set in their student diaries, so this can be easily tracked by their parents and their tutor.
At KAEP, we recognise that to succeed at Level 3 qualifications, it is vital that students are undertaking regular self guided study, wider reading and revision outside of lessons.
For Level 3 qualifications there is an expectation that students will complete an additional hour of work for every hour’s lesson that they have; only in this way can they hope to be successful in their examinations. Teachers will set this work in a variety of ways, sometimes setting a piece of extended writing or research or additional reading. Where no specific work is set, students are expected to consolidate their knowledge and understanding through additional work, reading and revision.
Students on the Ready to Work course will be set homework by each of their teachers and there is an expectation that all work will be completed by the deadline set. The amount of work set will depend on what students are studying and what they need to complete to be successful.
All homework in KAEP6 is set via Google Classroom. Students will be members of a Google Classroom for each subject they study (and in some cases two Google classrooms where two different teachers are teaching different aspects of a course.) Homework will sometimes be submitted via the Google Classroom electronic ‘turn in’ process, and on other occasions via traditional methods.